Are the colors of summer any less spectacular than the colors of fall? I love walking along a peaceful river and seeing this palette of greens, browns, black, turquoise and even orange. This was a particularly beautiful day in the Michigan woods.
The shrine of St Frances Cabrini
A few years back, the old Columbus Hospital on North Lakeview, shuttered for nearly a decade, was razed to make way for a 39-story luxury condominium complex. Towering over its neighbors around the North Pond, the Lincoln Park 2550, as it is called, is finally complete, after begin under construction for two or three years.…
Five o’clock runner
A runner crosses Fullerton Avenue Bridge, heading to the lakefront on an after-work run. In the background is Diversey Harbor, bordered by the high-rises of east Lakeview.
Cardinal flower
Out in Michigan this weekend we were lucky enough to see the cardinal flower, which grows in the same wet areas where, in the spring, you would find skunk cabbage or marsh marigolds.
Reasons to love New Buffalo
The hat shop is closed
The hat shop is closed. Inside, the hats are still waiting to be purchased. They float, eerily suggesting the heads they are meant to fit. They cluster like moths against the glass waiting for the right men.
A hard day’s night
Despite levels of taxation that have driven out many car dealerships, small businesses, and gas stations, the Erie-LaSalle Body Shop has managed to hang on, its signage exuding composure and pride. 2018 update: The Erie-LaSalle Body Shop has since been demolished.
In the next week or so, Celia will be moving! Yes, folks, she is moving to a place where there is advertising, but she’s hoping the transition will go seamlessly and that all her friends and followers will keep visiting.
In the city’s shadow
In the afternoon, the shadows of tall buildings fall across the lakefront. This is the beach at Jane Addams Park, as seen from a bus. The shadows gradually lengthen across the sand and water. . . . Here there looks to be a photographer standing on the shadow line.
A Real Beauty
The cold front that’s been sweeping the Plains reached here last night. Temperatures and humidity dropped, bringing delicious weather and dramatic waves. Too dangerous for swimming! This was our view from the bus as it crept along the Drive toward Oak Street in the evening rush.